Case Study: BOQ

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About BOQ

BOQ is one of Australia’s leading regional banks, with over 180 branches across the country. Established in 1874, they have always held customer service as their primary focus.

Most of their branches are run by Owner Managers, which means they are run like a small business and routinely deliver on their promise of exceptional personal service.

The Challenge:

Booking behaviour was a key challenge that was identified. A number of booking practices were in place prior to the review and ad-hoc bookings by users were the norm, rather than the exception.

Existing technology solutions were also identified as being in need of improvement and updating. For a business built on face to face relationships, moving users to an online booking program presented a challenge for some.

In modernising a program, gaining organisational buy in was integral to the success of this project.

The Solution:

Implementation of a full technology stack including Online Booking Tool, Reporting tool, HR feeds, enhanced reporting and expense functionality and cost centre automation.

Improved visibility with enhanced technology such as dashboards and stronger strategy and policy frameworks.

Maximise BOQ’s spend and contract conditions with a selection of suppliers to deliver a cost neutral hotel program that reduced room night spend and booking fees.

BOQ Case Study Results

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