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Don’t miss any opportunity to save more


Our account managers help you identify missed savings, convert data into actionable insights, and put their expertise behind your travel programme to add value and enhance business traveller experience. Here’s how we combine tech and human skills to deliver exceptional services.


Supercharge your travel tech

How can technology create meaningful impact?

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Bring certainty to proposed policy tweaks

Explore the "what ifs"

Changes to your corporate travel policy might not always have the desired effect. How can you pre-empt that?  

Clients have often asked us for a ballpark figure on how much a change to their policy might cost or save them. In the FCM Platform, they can simulate these policy adjustments themselves, and easily explore the ‘what ifs’. Combined with our team pulling thousands of data points, our clients can see through the data trees, and make smarter decisions. 

Discover more

Even with a solid policy, approval processes and the right tech in place, you’ll still see random expenses from business trips submitted. FCM Platform captures third-party expense data from sources such as Concur Expense to compare what was booked with FCM, and what was expensed out-of-channel.

Travel programme example:

Effective data analysis and transformational insights. This was one of four main goals outlined by China-based electronics firm CVTE when it started looking for a business travel partner. By integrating systems like WeChat and OA into FCM’s online booking tool, they could capture meaningful booking behaviour and patterns. FCM analysed this consolidated data to refine CVTE’s travel programme and create a robust travel policy.
Oil Spill Response wanted to ramp up its wellbeing efforts for response and equipment team members who work 16-hour days. Travel manager Alice Linley-Munro uses FCM Platform to check how many flights are taken outside of business hours, the percentage of red-eye flights taken and weekday vs weekend bookings. Armed with that information, Alice could make trips more bearable by:

  • Different accommodation options
  • Allowing extra legroom on flights
  • Permitting one-day trips to have a pre-flight overnight airport hotel stay

Book a demo today to understand how FCM Platform can make meaningful impact on your travel wellbeing plans.

Tech to improve business travel data visibility is the start.

An Account Manager helps bring the data story to life.

Hear how Jessica Tan, Account Management Lead, Singapore uses her expertise to help clients demonstrate corporate travel programme value. 



Start making meaningful impact.

Budget-spilling leakage and productivity-killing tech. Sound familiar? It's why we built one single platform, optimised for you, and made to power the future of business travel.





Book your demo today.



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