Case Study
How FCM partnered with a client to create a first-of-its-kind expense reporting tool

The Problem:
A multinational pharmaceutical manufacturing client was experiencing discrepancies between their travel and expense data.
The Solution:
FCM would work directly with the client to design a one-of-a-kind reporting and reconciliation tool.
Setting the scene
Mismatched data dates back to the beginning of corporate travel management, with TMC data always being a subset of the larger picture. But a decade ago, FCM and an entrepreneurial client wanted to find a solution—and that’s how the FCM Expense Connector was born!
How it works
The FCM team realised they needed to connect expense data to the FCM reservation data to clearly display comparisons, sources, and vendors to then identify outliers. Expense Connector was designed to connect to the expense tool of choice, match it with category identifiers in the FCM Platform, and then display the data in illustrative and filterable ways.
Expense Connector in action
The main driver behind creating Expense Connector was to mitigate out-of-policy bookings and transactions by making travel managers less beholden to their expense tool’s reporting structure. This data clarity helps travel managers enforce the “rules” more easily. Once travel managers have leakage under control, FCM Consulting can show them how to interpret their expense data to identify how money is spent, where it’s being spent, and areas of opportunity.