EXPERTS WEIGH IN: Navigating the NDC Conversation at GBTA Convention 2024 


Another year, another GBTA Convention where NDC will vie to be the hottest topic of the event. And make no mistake, talking about NDC is just as important this year as last. But as we learn more and more about NDC and more voices are added to the conversation, how can you cut through the noise and get the most out of the event? 

At FCM, we know NDC – we have the team and the tech to prove it. So, if you're wondering where to get started with your NDC journey, we worked with Nikki Ping, FCM’s Global Manager of Travel Distribution, to compile some trends you should look out for and education sessions you should attend. Think of this as your guide to navigating NDC at GBTA 2024. 


What to look for: 

Nikki Ping HW Image
OBT readiness 

OBTs are going into overdrive trying to get more NDC content available in their systems – but have they sacrificed service for content availability? Where are they sourcing their NDC content from? Depending on the airlines you prefer, the implications of the answers to these questions vary. “Throughout the rest of 2024, I believe there’s going to be a big volume change when it comes to NDC,” said Nikki. “That’s a good thing for travel programs – most of the major OBTs are ready to go.” 

Payment innovations 

Due to changes in air content availability and distribution, airlines are eager to examine their payment-related costs, and travel managers are looking for better payment solutions for their travelers. This could be a mutual boon for both airline and traveler, resulting in more streamlined processes. Nikki says to take a look at suppliers like Kayak for Business, Blockskye, and United Airlines, which are aiming to cut out the “middleman” to avoid merchant fees. “This is very new,” said Nikki, “Buyers should ensure they understand the scope of these changes and whether they’re something to watch now or something to make a priority next year.” 


What education sessions should you attend? 

Over 80 education sessions are being held at GBTA Convention this year, and many will touch on the topic of NDC. We took the first shot at narrowing them down for you by their relevance and practicality. 

NDC in Action: Adding NDC to Your Corporate Travel Program 

Synopsis: NDC is now. Avoid getting left behind. Corporate travel managers who attend this panel will learn from an airline, TMC and corporate travel manager about what it took to add NDC content to an enterprise-scale corporate travel program. By sharing what worked well and pitfalls to avoid, panelists will equip you with insights you can put to work immediately to help navigate your NDC journey. 

Why Nikki thinks it’s great: “If you’re not live with NDC yet, or you're new to the topic, this is a great session to get you started and help you come home with a list of things to think about. If you want some basics before you go, check our FCM’s NDC Hub.” 


Airline NDC: Distri-Confusion to Finding Solutions 

Synopsis: Discover from 3 travel managers how each navigates the NDC landscape and are connecting the multiple pieces to gain access to content for business travelers. The journey and stages to completion are different for each travel program - this session will provide insights into the solutions being implemented and the challenges each have faced with regards to the Airline NDC landscape, and provide updates from the Aviation Committee's GBTA 2023 Convention session called 'Air Distri-CONFUSION? Distribution Strategies for Today and the Future Landscape'. Presented by the GBTA Aviation Committee. 

Why Nikki thinks it’s great: “Every travel program is different, so hearing from real-life implementation experiences can give you ideas of things to watch out for, and more importantly, ask your suppliers about.” 

If you want to dig deeper into NDC, then look no further than booth #3013. Nikki Ping will be at GBTA Convention 2024 in Atlanta, ready to answer all your burning questions about the state of NDC across the industry, and how FCM is responding and evolving with these changes.  

Ready to see what’s possible with NDC? Book a 15-minute demo with FCM at GBTA 2024! 

Book a time to speak with us at GBTA 2024

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