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Charlene Leiss, President of FCTG Americas Corporate Brands, and Vicki Parris, Senior Director of Customer Experience for FCM Asia have each played a pivotol role in the growth and success of FCTG’s business, while remaining focused on driving change as thought leaders. As Top Women in Travel honourees, both women were lauded for their efforts in reinventing, leaning in and creating momentum within and beyond the travel community and their field of expertise.
As part of the focus in engaging FCTG’s women, 2019 will see the introduction of new processes such as elimination of unconscious bias in recruitment, flexible working arrangements for working mothers, and the launch of the Womenwise chapter in Asia. “Women and men both need to be the catalysts to drive this transformation towards an inclusive and diverse workforce of the future.” says Bertrand Saillet, Managing Director at FCM Travel Asia.