Flight Centre Employees Share Their Favorite Mental Wellness Tips

May is coming to a close, and if you didn’t know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month! It’s a time when everyone is encouraged to have an open dialogue about mental health, whether it be normalizing diagnoses, discussing coping mechanisms and wellness tips, or sharing resources.
One of the best ways to improve mental wellness is to learn from each other. This year’s Mental Health Awareness Month theme is “Back to Basics,” so we asked some Flight Centre team members about their favorite day-to-day mental wellness tips. From meditation to snuggling with dogs, check out what they had to say.
Meditation is the single most important thing in my mental and physical health toolkit. It keeps me more positive and quells racing thoughts. But most surprisingly, it cemented the idea to me that the mind-body connection is real. Oftentimes, I find that meditation helps mute neck and upper back pain. I take 11 minutes to meditate 4-5 times a week; usually I put on a YouTube mantra by my favorite meditation channel. Yoga is also a form of meditation and I make sure to practice around three times a week. - Lane Blackmer – Campaign Executive, FCM
When I find the day getting a little stressful or I'm feeling worn out I like to stop and do a breathing exercise. I will do a 4x4 exercise, where I breathe in for 4 second and out for 4 seconds for a total of 4 minutes. This always seems to reset my mindset and bring me back to my center on those tougher days. - Christopher Mydosh – Account Manager, FCM
Aside from burying my face into my dog’s scruffy neck, one of my favourite ways to disconnect and recharge is by making beaded earrings. Bead weaving has become a way to keep my hands busy and away from my phone and social media. I’m able to get creative with colours and patterns, and I always try to learn something new. I can generally tell how well I am doing mentally by how much time has passed since making something. - Sarah LaFontaine – Content Manager, Corporate Traveler
Getting Outside
My mental wellness tips are focused on two things: unplugging and going outside! I leave my phone inside and go outside for a walk, tend my garden, or longboard. I also find that cleaning my house or organizing a space that needs a little TLC does the trick! - Lydia Paglierani – Marketing Executive, FCM
My number one wellbeing tip is gratitude. I find it incredibly sobering and relaxing when I take a moment to appreciate what I already have. I try to do away with any expectations that are bubbling to the surface, and simply remind myself of all that I have to be thankful for. Even something as simple as a cup of coffee – I try to appreciate how much effort has gone into bringing that moment to life….the bean grower in some far-distant land, the captain of the ship that transported it, the truck driver who drove the truck full of beans to the roasters….and on and on until the coffee finally makes its way into my house and now helps me get my day started. Thinking like that really puts things into perspective for me, which allows me to find a certain type of inner peace - Carre LePage – Global Head of Content, Flight Centre Travel Group