Brexit Explained: How it May Affect South Africans

The future of Europe is at stake as Britons vote yes to a historic referendum that will ultimately separate the United Kingdom from the European Union.

At the moment it seems citizens of Britain are nearly evenly split between a political decision to remain a member or leave the European Union (EU) altogether, an alliance that has existed for over 40 years. A decision to exit affects the EU greatly, Britain's superior military and its second largest economy leaves Europe at risk of a structural crisis.

What happens now? - Yesterday’s vote is a mere first step in the effort of a complete separation from the European Union. Now that Britain has said yes to an exit, David Cameron has announced his resignation as Prime Minister by October and has as a result left his successor to take the next step and invoke article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Article 50 governs the rules, and processes in the event of a member state seeking to exit the EU, thus marking the beginning of withdrawal negotiations.

Supporters of the remain campaign will have more time to plot their exit out of the UK as a full separation is a minimum of 2 years in the future. Politicians are predicting a longer period based on the notion that the EU leaders will likely be merciless in negotiations to discourage other European countries from exiting.

 A successful UK, post-EU will risk a domino effect of other member states seeking to exit thus abolishing the European Union as we know it.
Why Britons want to exit the EU? - There are a few main points centered around the referendum. Following the recent attacks throughout Europe, border control is a major reason for the request to separate. Similarly, control of laws and regulations, and influence over global trade are both reasons for the referendum.

Those in favor of the exit claim that the European Union is no longer what it was when Britain joined over four decades ago. Those on board with a leave claim they are trying to avoid an inevitable, “United States of Europe”. Arguing that the EU has served as an anchor to overall well-being of the country. More specifically, the European Union has resulted in a weakened British influence and authority. Also, the billions of dollars required to be paid to the EU as a member are too costly and such funds would be more useful distributed within the nation’s borders. The ability to regain negotiating rights for global trade deals. Also, as a nation separate from the European Union, members of parliament will be held accountable for decisions affecting the British public.

Why Britons wanted to remain in the EU? - The opposing party stands by the view that a separation would result in a major financial cost to the economy. By the same token, it would be valuable for the smaller-sized island to be part of a larger bloc of countries to have significant influence and maintain security in the world.

 A majority of economists both in favour and against a leave agree that the UK will experience a negative effect on the economy as a whole in the short and medium terms. As well as the City of London, the nation’s financial center.

What does it mean for South African travellers? - Until the European Union and the UK reach an agreement on visa regulations - which is likely only to be in 2018 - current visa laws remain in place. As it stands, South Africans are required to apply for a visa to enter the UK, and also apply separately for a Schengen visa in order to enter many other European territories, therefore the result of visa negotations between the EU and the UK is unlikely to adversely affect South Africans. 

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