Case Study

Resolution Life's Roadshow

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Entry of event


When new client Resolution Life was embarking on a new corporate era, its leadership wanted to connect with employees across its major offices. FCM Meeting & Events curated a two-week long leadership roadshow spanning eight events in four cities across two countries. A clear event strategy was devised to provide structure, focus and flow to the dynamic event which was valuable for both the client and the audience. 


Resolution Life Australasia is part of the Resolution Life Group, a global life insurance group focusing on the acquisition and management of portfolios of life insurance policies.  Resolution Life Australasia is an in-force specialist life insurer with operations in Australia and New Zealand and is dedicated to serving over 1 million customers, providing them with competitive premiums, quality investment management and efficient customers service and claims management. 

People talking at event


For Resolution Life’s leadership team, it was important to provide an in-person update on the company’s health, while sharing the business’ transformation agenda and 5-year strategy and goals. They wanted to start the new year with a refreshed mindset, so decided on an end-of-year event.  


FCM Meetings & Events was tasked to create an itinerary that included visits to all regional offices and states. It needed to be a relaxed and non-corporate style event to leave staff feeling informed, connected, and knowing the senior leadership team a little better. 

People in theater on stage


Some challenges included: 

  • Planning a two-week roadshow visiting four cities across Australia and New Zealand involved lots of moving parts. 

  • In each city, a daytime and evening event were organised to ensure that maximum number of staff could attend both the formal and informal sessions. 

  • With COVID-19 still in the community, FCM Meetings & Events needed to create and communicate a COVID risk management plan to attendees. 

People in audience watching speaker

Event Structure

  • After starting the process with a content workshop, a ‘casual conversation’ style format was set to connect with the audience. 

  • The agenda was split into four segments, which allowed the messaging to create a storytelling arc. 

  • A mobile app was tailored to each event to allow for check-in and interactive segments. 

  • By understanding Resolution Life’s tone and objectives, FCM Meetings & Events created a flexible framework to speak to their nuances, while crafting visuals to tie into the agenda and their corporate identity. 

  • The resulting event format provided more structure, focus and flow to ultimately create a more dynamic event and deliver more value for the audience. 

  • Each city also hosted an evening cocktail function for informal networking and for attendees to continue more casual discussions with the leaders. The fun events included entertainment, awards, and a popular 360 photo booth. 

People on stage talking


An authentic and relatable theme was created by the FCM Meetings & Events strategy team – ‘Breathing New Life’. This resonated with Resolution Life’s business purpose and the company’s trajectory as it embarked on a new era. 

This clear strategy set the direction for all components created for the event programme, to deliver a cohesive experience. 

Working closely with the Resolution Life team created a clear line of communication, enabling fast approval process, trust, and collaboration. 

As a result, great attendance was achieved at all sessions across Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington and Auckland. 

Stage with speakers presenting


A post event survey revealed the key highlights:

  • Attendees left feeling informed, connected, excited and knowing the senior leadership team a little better.
  • The content was well received, and all staff appreciated the effort made and the energy created by coming together in-person.
  • Attendees enjoyed activities being available at the evening celebration -meeting and socialising with leadership and the awards.
  • Bringing everyone into one location to meet more peers across the business and networking was very valuable - a lot of staff hadn’t met face to face.
Gaming room

As a first-time client for FCM Meetings & Events, Resolution Life was thrilled with the outcome on their roadshow and are now planning this year’s event with the same team. 

Great to hear from our leadership team directly, enjoyed the recap of our journey to date, loved the awards recognising the hard work of high performers at Resolution Life.


Where leadership meets local teams.

Plan your next roadshow with FCM Meetings & Events 

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