Case Study: ANZ

ANZ Header

About ANZ

One of the largest global financial institutions, based in the APAC region.

Located in 32 countries with a total traveller group of over 13,000 travellers.

The Challenge:

Is the travel program reflective and aligned with the organisation values and purpose?

Does the program provide trust and empowerment?

ANZ Hero

The Solution:

An Agile Project Team was formed between the organisation and FCM. A number of joint workshops [including Vision Planning Goals sessions and strategic think tanks] were arranged to ensure alignment of the company’s goals & values.

User group feedback was sought and processed in conjunction with the workshops. Finally, a change management program was deployed using various SME’s from both organisations and the transformation project was completed within budget and timeframes.

The Results:

This agile led approach supported an overarching corporate travel and international mobility framework. The policies were re-vamped, simplified and communicated with senior leader endorsement.

ANZ Case Study Results

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